Shay Cohen

Shay Cohen has been serving as CEO of Aigis Labs since its inception on January 2017, taking it from the “Dinka” startups hub, trough patent registration and regulation procedures, company formation, product development and production and onto initial sales.

Before joining Dinka, Shay served as the business development and carrier relations manager of Bezeq, Israel’s largest telecommunications group. Shay was managing the relationships between the company and the partner telecom companies in the world and mainly responsible for amplifying the telecommunications network, with an emphasis on expanding it to Latin-America and building robust business relationships with new partners.

Shay Holds a bachelor’s degree at both Law & Economics from the Bar-Ilan University and an MBA from the Tel-Aviv university, majoring in the management of technology, innovation & entrepreneurship.

Shay has always been on the border between people and technology, the social and exact sciences, exploring the overlaps between them and is a sport enthusiastic, from everyday soccer, cycling or gym and onto extreme sports such as snowboarding, trekking and rock-climbing around the world.