Frank Horace

Deputy Chief Frank started his career with the Los Angeles Police Department in 1988.  He quickly promoted through ranks of sergeant, lieutenant, captain and in 2013 he was promoted to Commander.  As a Commander, he was assigned to Information Technology Division and subsequently assigned as the Assistant Commanding Officer of Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau.  In March of 2017 he was selected as the Deputy Chief and remained at Counter-Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau. 

Horace has attended numerous leadership schools including the FBI National Academy in Quantico, VA, and the Command and Control Special Training at Israel’s IMI Academy.  He recently graduated from the Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education Program.  

He has been an invited guest throughout the world to be a panelist for such as the Terrorism and the Changing Global Optic-Geopolitical Trends and Emerging Hot Spots, Leveraging Public-Private Partnerships, and for the United States Department of State-sponsored Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Exchange Program just to name a few. 

He is a native of Guyana, South America.  He spent eight and half years in the USAF.  He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Gold Gate University.