Ronen Fishman

Ronen Fishman, 48 years old, married to Hagar, a kindergarten teacher, and the father of 4 amazing kids at the ages of 20, 17, 11, 9. 

Ronen lives most of his life in a village and as a child used to work in his parents and grandparent’s farm. After serving as an officer in the IDF, Ronen enjoyed working as a flight attendant for 2 year, but to his opinion, he started his professional life, in TOYS ”R”US Israel as the COO for 9 years. following this position, Ronen was recruited to the Israeli prime minister’s office (Foreign Intelligence and Special Operations) and served there for 12 years in operational and commanding positions, until he retired (Lieutenant Colonel) on February 2017. Following his retirement, Ronen founded “MONTIS” business consulting and management firm, with his firm he joined a unique start-up (Automotive Robotic Industry Ltd) that develops and manufactures unmanned ground vehicles for various type of missions mainly for the HLS market, it is challenging and yet rewording task to be the CEO of the company. Ronen holds a B.A in Social Sciences from the university of Haifa and M.A in Law from the university of Bar-Ilan.