John Lasko
I am a dynamic hands on expert who excels at simplifying and articulating complex value propositions to diverse stakeholder constituencies while driving innovative solutions to achieve both operational and transactional objectives. My roles are typically as a business strategist, advisor, mentor or investor. I provide concept to marketplace place vision including validating the concept, establishing the company, capital acquisition, rapid prototyping, setting up facilities and logistics, market strategy, strategic partnership and customer acquisition, service and support or any part of the process as needed. I typically work hands on with the team in executing and accomplishing the goals rather than just developing the strategy for others to implement on their own.
Below is a partial list of current projects;
Co Founder: Vaccitech, Inc. The company is developing a proprietary Bio Process for the Rapid Mass Production of Vaccines which will allow for responding to Pandemics. Due to the extremely short production time this will provide for accurate, effective, low cost and timely availability of common vaccines such as the annual flu vaccine which in many cases is only partially effective due to the long lead time required by traditional vaccine production methods and inaccurate forecasting of which virus strains will eventually become prevalent in any given flu season. The company is currently operating in stealth mode while filing its patents.
Co Founder: Responsive Polymer Therapeutics. Developing a proprietary and patented method to Reverse Anti Biotic Resistance in Bacteria. Anti biotic resistant bacteria is a projected $100 “Trillion” dollar economic problem over the next 35 years. This method would potentially allow for older and inexpensive anti biotics to work like new again.