Paul & Elisabeth Merage Foundation | Andre & Katherine Merage Foundation


Dr. Anurag Bist

Dr. Anurag Bist


Class Overview

Appifying your technology: Stories from the trenches of development of mobile Apps using sensors and data analytics

Several major technologies driven trends have created a unique opportunity in the field of consumer, enterprise and healthcare technologies:

  • Availability of low cost and high powered computing devices like lap-tops, tablets and smart phones equipped with sophisticated sensors that provide 24/7 connectivity
  • Maturing of algorithms that can leverage these devices and sensors to capture and analyze various inputs from individuals for various applications
  • The eco-system often referred to as Cloud-computing that enables the use of very high-performance and reliable computing at a fraction of its pervious cost
  • This workshp will cover some of the challenges in using these technologies trends towards developing Mobile Apps to map technologies to marketplace. Real examples and insights from the trenches will be given to make this session more interesting and relevant.